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Doom Explorer updated, version 2.06:

  • Added wad checksums check:
    • when downloading files from the internet
    • when refreshing the selected server
    • for latest versions of Zandronum (3.0.1+)
  • Added support for wad extensions: .pke, .iwad, .ipk3, .ipk7, .7z (all wad types are supported by default - the select option has been removed)
  • Added support for Odamex 0.9.1:
    • added new commands
    • fixed a problem with starting servers (the server did not find configuration files)
  • Changed cmd-parameter to run fullscreen/window Eternity

Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1535 | Added by: bond | Date: 2021-05-25 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 2.04:

  • Added support for Odamex 0.9.0
    • Added new game modes
    • Added new variables to the server configurator
    • Redesigned dmflags
    • sv_downloadsites is used instead of the sv_website variable: now you can specify a list of URLs, use them to search for wads and load them into the browser (using the 'W' key)
    • Missing wads can be searched using the client
    • Removed setting to download wad from server (removed in 09)
  • Replacing the Odamex master server address ->
  • Added calculation of wads md5 in the Options-Wads-WadList
  • Fixed minor interface bugs

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Views: 982 | Added by: bond | Date: 2021-04-02 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 2.00:

  • Improved Doom Explorer work under Linux/Wine:
    • added the ability to configure and run native Linux ports in all modes of Doom Explorer:
      single and network play, setting up and running servers, playing demos, etc.
    • added the ability to customize the command line template for running native Linux programs (Options-Programs)
    • fixed some UI bugs
    Note: A program is considered native to Linux if (1) Doom Explorer runs in Wine and (2) the program does not have an .exe extension.
  • StartServer: added the ability to select a server program that differs from the default server (test versions of Zandronum, Linux programs in Wine environment, etc.)
  • Added check/indication of server programs presence
  • Added window with error message when starting programs
  • Expanded font change: for all elements (except menus, standard hints, window titles)
  • Fixed an occasional freeze issue when loading test versions of Zandronum
  • Replaced the IDGAMES wad search site in the default set: ->

Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1365 | Added by: bond | Date: 2021-01-27 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.87:

  • Fixed problems with saving / restoring sizes and positions of lists of configurations and pwads from various states of the program window (max/min/snapped)
  • Added a menu item in the list of pwads in a single game: Fit to window
  • Added the ability to output the command line for starting a single game (to the log) - right-click 'Start' button
  • Fixed some parameters of supported source ports, changed icons
  • Added support for source ports: LZDoom, Crispy Doom, DoomRetro

Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1227 | Added by: bond | Date: 2020-11-18 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.82:

  • Added Drag and Drop for wads and demos: when dragging a demo into the program window, the demo starts playing, wads - a single game
  • Added a menu to the main form, as an alternative to toolbars (Options - General - Use menu) Example
  • Added the ability to display ping separately by icon or number (Options - Tables)
  • Added the ability to change the size of the window with the list of wads in a single game using the context menu or spliters, windows of the lists of server configurations and in a single game are also scaled through the menu
  • Fixed dmflags for Odamex/Doomsday, changed the way of saving them in server configurations (commands instead of numbers)
  • Added detailed information about the error when starting programs (not only the error code)
  • Fixed the order of switching controls by pressing Tab
  • Fixed a bug with relative paths in some places (adding folders with wads, and others)
  • Fixed the problem of refresh freezing in case of errors in communication with the master and zero list of servers
  • Added player menu for Doomsday in Options
  • and some other... List of changes is here

Download Doom Explorer

Views: 995 | Added by: bond | Date: 2020-10-09 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.73:

  • Expanded support for ZDaemon server demos: list of demos, download, playback, added marker to server icon (hotkey "M", through the browser - "Ctrl-M")
  • Added scrolling with the mouse wheel in the tables: the entire list without changing the selected row (optional: Options - Tables)

List of changes is here
Download Doom Explorer

Views: 3771 | Added by: bond | Date: 2019-08-07 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.70:

  • Added support for Doomsday multiplayer - list of servers, connection to the server, launch servers, etc
    Note: There is a problem with the PWAD names sent by the server - not always correct, especially if the characters '_' or '-' are present. In this case, you can try to join the server from the Doomsday UI
  • Added support for the '-merge' parameter of the Chocolate doom (Single play)
  • Added hexen player class selection (Single play)
  • Added skill level names for heretic/hexen
  • Added ZDaemon parameters 'lobby' and 'auto_altwads' (StartServer)

List of changes is here
Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1581 | Added by: bond | Date: 2019-06-21 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.61:

  • added support for Odamex 0.8.0

List of changes is here
Download Doom Explorer

Views: 2181 | Added by: bond | Date: 2019-01-30 | Comments (2)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.59:

  • Fixed high DPI scaling problem

List of changes is here
Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1905 | Added by: bond | Date: 2018-11-12 | Comments (0)

Doom Explorer updated, version 1.58:

  • Fixed a bug with displaying Zandronum dmflags in Start Server (DmFlags header)
  • Fixed a bug related to the possible modification of folder names in the configuration file
  • Fixed a bug with map selection for DoomsDay
  • Added: double click in the port bar in the Options immediately opens the dialog box to select a file
  • Added memorization of the current wad selection folder
  • Added memorization of the Zandronum testing version folder in Start Server
  • Added copy server parameters to the Start Server settings (key 'Shift-Ctrl-S')
  • Added 'Hide' button to the WadDownload window

List of changes is here
Download Doom Explorer

Views: 1448 | Added by: bond | Date: 2018-11-09 | Comments (0)

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