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Zandronum DMFLAGS bug
Konar6Date: Saturday, 2013-01-05, 10:45 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 4
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
There is a slight mishap in handling Zandronum DMFLAGS for falling damage. There are actually 3 types of falling damage available - ZDoom, Hexen and Strife.
However IDE recognizes only 2 of them, ZDoom and Hexen (values 8 and 16). The third one, Strife, is "hiding" under combining both of the two values for ZDoom and Hexen.
See this wiki page:
bondDate: Sunday, 2013-01-06, 04:41 | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 204
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
so what do you suggest?
add comments about dmflag combinations? probably it doesnt fit in current scheme
right now IDE display dmflags "as is" - that is show what flags are set on server, and allow set/unset them when create server
i can add additional comment to server "hint" about strife for example - but does it really important feature users should know ?
Konar6Date: Sunday, 2013-01-06, 06:21 | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 4
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
For the server config window maybe a note in the bottom.
And for the tooltip on servers with Strife damage enabled maybe replace both falling damage lines with one "Players sustain falling damage (Strife style) [8+16]".
I see that the whole "own flag within DMFLAGS" may be confusing at first glance, but it does make sense and I think IDE should let the users know about its existence.
In fact not many players are aware of it. I myself only found out not long ago when looking at ST source (and added it on the wiki).
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