IDE support all these ports because they have similar server-launcher protocol inherited from their parent - csdoom. As for other ports - dont know.. Are they so popular as multiplayer ports?
I requested on doomsday requests. Hopefully doomsday guys can provide you with their server launching interface... and hopefully IDE can whip up something to interface with doomsday.
did you ever play network games with doomsday? how it is? are there many players around? frankly speaking, i dont want to create programs for 2-3 players only, especially if i dont play it myself..
That's the thing. Hopefully if you supported Doomsday then more people will spawn dedicated servers. If there's dedicated servers on 24/7 then there'll be people joining in.
I think current 3 ports in IDE is more than enough. The most popular and optimized for multiplayer. I'd suggest only Remood for future. It doesn't have master server yet. You may want to use Doom Connector for other ports. The way it's meant to be Doomed!